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School Counseling Services

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling in the school setting is short-term and solution-focused. The goal of school-based individual counseling is to identify and overcome any barriers to learning a student may be facing. Counselors meet with students to discuss problems or concerns on a one-to-one basis in my office. Counseling in a school setting can be very beneficial, but is not a replacement for outpatient therapy. We have listed names of some local therapists under the Community Resources page on this website if you are interested in pursuing outside counseling for your student.

To initiate an individual counseling session, students may either drop into the Counseling Office to see if their counselor is available or let their teacher(s) know. Teachers and parents can also request that we see a student if they think it would be helpful. In order to refer your student for individual school counseling, please email your grade level counselor.

Teachers and parents may email the grade level counselor to refer a student for individual school counseling. If you are concerned that your child or another student may be a danger to themselves or others, DO NOT EMAIL to refer them for help. Instead, seek emergency assistance immediately. For non-emergency concerns, you may also call the counseling office or one of the counselors directly.

Small Group Counseling

Small group counseling is offered throughout the school year. These groups vary in topic and grade level based on referrals from teachers and parents, but the goal is always to help students who share a common concern or need. Possible group topics include divorce, grief, children with a deployed family member, communication skills/anger management, friendship, and positive choices. Groups meet for 4-8 sessions and every effort is made to schedule them at a time when the students miss as little class time as possible. During our group meetings, we do a variety of exercises and activities (art, music, games, writing, group sharing, etc.) all with the purpose of helping the students learn to cope with whatever obstacle they are facing.

Students who are referred for group are screened first to see if their needs are best met in a group setting, and all must have a signed permission slip in order to participate. If you feel like your child would benefit from this type of counseling, please contact your grade level counselor for more information.

Classroom & Large Group Counseling

Classroom and large group counseling lessons are provided throughout the school year. Lessons, settings, and content vary by topic and grade level. Content can include the following topics: transitioning to 7th/8th grades or high school, career exploration, college readiness, study skills, interpersonal skills, making good choices, and more.