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Counseling Overview

Wilson County K-8 School Counselors Mission Statement

The mission of our School Counseling program is to deliver comprehensive, differentiated, and data-driven services to reach all students, which allows students to attain skills and fosters necessary attitudes for academic, career, and social emotional success.

School Counseling Program Mission Statement

The mission of the Counseling Program is to provide students with the academic, career, and social/emotional tools necessary to develop into confident and compassionate citizens. The school counseling program delivers these tools through intentional, individualized, evidence-based, and data-driven activities and interventions aimed at helping students find academic, professional, and personal success now and in the future.

The Watertown Middle School counselors believe:

  • All students have dignity and deserve respect.
  • All students are capable of learning and becoming productive adults.
  • All students have individual learning needs and styles.
  • All students’ differences in regards to ethnicity, race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation should be respected, and all students should feel included in the school community regardless of these or other differences.
  • All students deserve to learn in a safe and nurturing high-quality environment.
  • All students should have access to a comprehensive school counseling program administered by a full-time, state-certified, master’s-degree-level school counselor.
  • The school counselor should serve as a leader and collaborator in assessing students’ barriers to learning and developing strategies to help students find success.
  • The school counselor should use data to design, implement, evaluate, and continuously improve the comprehensive school counseling program.
  • The school counselor should be familiar with and abide by the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors.